Customer ratings for Graeme Souness T-Shirt

Graeme Souness T-Shirt
Product no.: 107
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Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 5
from Nick Coster on 19/03/2024
Another quality product from HSOAB.
I have had over a dozen different shirts from HSOAB over the years and it’s difficult to pick out my favourite as they are all unique in their own way.
Good quality cotton which washes well and the printed detail is very good.
from Nick Coster on 08/03/2024
Another quality product from HSOAB.
I have had over a dozen different shirts from HSOAB over the years and it’s difficult to pick out my favourite as they are all unique in their own way.
Good quality cotton which washes well and the printed detail is very good.
from Peter Mason on 31/10/2023
Top quality
Great t shirt
from Neil Platt on 30/10/2023
As usual great t shirt and service from HSOAB. Perfect. I love the new legends range.
5 star
from Emmett Woods on 30/10/2023
Quality product as usual from HSOAB. Perfect fit and great design. Highly recommend this company to all Liverpool fans looking for great LFC products.

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