Bob Dylan "Mind Your car mate" T-Shirt

Product no.: 23

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Customer ratings for Bob Dylan "Mind Your car mate" T-Shirt

Number of ratings: 15
Average rating: 5
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Another winner from HSAOB
from on 27/12/2023
I had this t-shirt stashed as a Christmas prezzie for my hubby, so writing this some time after buying! Now he's racking his brain trying to figure out which street it is... The quality of the t-shirt is excellent and the print very clear. This is the third (music-related) item I've bought for him and will definitely keep an eye out for more.
good quality, long lasting t-shirts
from on 05/09/2023
great local shop to buy Liverpool FC merchandise. Quick delivery. Good to support and a lot cheaper than the Liverpool shop
from on 21/08/2023
Love the T-shift. Great quality and fits well.

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